
Organize invoices, receipts and more with custom dater stamps.

  • Small, compact size
  • Roll bands to set day, month & year
  • “Paid” or “Received” options
  • Blue ink for text & border
  • Red ink for date

A professional-looking timesaver
Our dater stamps don’t just help you stay on top of paperwork – they leave a sharp, clear mark that shows customers and business partners that you’re organized and professional. These simple stamps can make at least some of your to-do lista little easier to get through.

Self-inking & easy-to-use
To set the date, just use the dials on the sides of your dater stamp. Then, it’s ready to use – the self-inking design means you can avoid accidental spills or smudges. Less mess and less stress for you and your team.

2 designs to choose from
Whether you need to keep track of invoices going out or payments and forms coming in, we’ve got you covered. To get your custom dater stamp, just pick from either the “Paid” or “Received”options, select your quantity and finalize your order. When your stamp arrives, it’ll be ready to use, right out of the box.

Design Services

Our professional designers can help create the look you want.
Printed Product Design